
Acanthemblemaria aceroi, a new species of tube blenny from the Caribbean coast of South America with notes on Acanthemblemaria johnsoni (Teleostei: Chaenopsidae). 2020. PA Hastings, RI Eytan, AP Summers. Zootaxa
4816 (2), 209-216
Draft genome sequences of 38 Serratia marcescens isolates associated with acroporid serratiosis. 2019.
NC Elledge, RI Eytan, LJ Pinnell, R Pray, JL Joyner, JP Wares, Kathryn P Sutherland, Erin K Lipp, Jeffrey W Turner
Microbiology Resource Announcements 8 (14)
The application of novel research technologies by the deep pelagic nekton dynamics of the Gulf of Mexico (DEEPEND) consortium. 2018. RJ Milligan, AM Bernard, KM Boswell, HD Bracken-Grissom, MA D'Elia, Sergio DeRada, Cole G Easson, David English, Ron I Eytan, Kimberly A Finnegan, Chuanmin Hu, Chad Lembke, Jose V Lopez, Bradley Penta, Travis Richards, Isabel C Romero, Mahmood Shivji, Laura Timm, Joe D Warren, Max Weber, RJ Wells, Tracey T Sutton. Marine Technology Society Journal 52 (6), 81-86
New insights on the sister lineage of percomorph fishes with an anchored hybrid enrichment dataset. 2017.
A Dornburg, JP Townsend, W Brooks, E Spriggs, RI Eytan, JA Moore, Peter C Wainwright, Alan Lemmon, Emily Moriarty Lemmon, Thomas J Near. Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 110, 27-38
Harrington, R. C., B. C. Faircloth, R. I. Eytan, W. L. Smith, T. J. Near, M. E. Alfaro, and M. Friedman. 2016. Phylogenomic analysis of carangimorph fishes reveals flatfish asymmetry arose in a blink of the evolutionary eye. BMC Evolutionary Biology 16:224.
A. O’Dea, H. A. Lessios, A. G. Coates, R. I. Eytan, S. A. Restrepo-Moreno, A. L. Cione, L. S. Collins, A. de Queiroz, D. W. Farris, R. D. Norris, R. F. Stallard, M. O. Woodburne, O. Aguilera, M.-P. Aubry, W. A. Berggren, A. F. Budd, M. A. Cozzuol, S. E. Coppard, H. Duque-Caro, S. Finnegan, G. M. Gasparini, E. L. Grossman, K. G. Johnson, L. D. Keigwin, N. Knowlton, E. G. Leigh, J. S. Leonard-Pingel, P. B. Marko, N. D. Pyenson, P. G. Rachello-Dolmen,
E. Soibelzon, L. Soibelzon, J. A. Todd, G. J. Vermeij, J. B. C. Jackson. Formation of the Isthmus of Panama. Science Advances 2, e1600883 (2016).
Dornburg, A., S. Federman, R. I. Eytan, and T. J. Near. (2016). Cryptic species diversity in Sub-Antarctic islands: A case study of Lepidonotothen. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution: 104, 32-43
Dornburg, A., R. I. Eytan, S. Federman, J. N. Pennington, A. L. Stewart, C. D. Jones, and T. J. Near. Molecular data support the existence of two species of the Antarctic fish genus Cryodraco (Channichthyidae). Polar Biology:1-11. (2016)
Marko, P. B., Eytan, R. I. & Knowlton, N. Do large molecular sequence divergences imply an early closure of the Isthmus of Panama? Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112, E5766, doi:10.1073/pnas.1515048112 (2015)
Thacker, C. E., T. P. Satoh, E. Katayama, R. C. Harrington, R. I. Eytan, and T. J. Near. 2015. Molecular phylogeny of Percomorpha resolves Trichonotus as the sister lineage to Gobioidei (Teleostei: Gobiiformes) and confirms the polyphyly of Trachinoidei. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 93:172-179.
Eytan, R. I., B. R. Evans, A. Dornburg, A. R. Lemmon, E. M. Lemmon, P. C. Wainwright, and T. J. Near. 2015. Are 100 enough? Inferring acanthomorph teleost phylogeny using Anchored Hybrid Enrichment. BMC Evolutionary Biology 15:113. **Highly Accessed**
Alex Dornburg, Jon Moore, Jeremy M. Beaulieu, R. I. Eytan, Thomas J. Near The impact of shifts in marine biodiversity hotspots on patterns of range evolution: evidence from the Holocentridae (squirrelfishes and soldierfishes). (2015) Evolution 69 (1), 146-161
Price, S. A., L. Schmitz, C. E. Oufiero, R. I. Eytan, A. Dornburg, W. L. Smith, M. Friedman, T. J. Near, and P. C. Wainwright. Two waves of colonization straddling the K–Pg boundary formed the modern reef fish fauna. (2014) Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 281:1783
Matt Friedman, Benjamin P Keck, Alex Dornburg, Ron I Eytan, Christopher H Martin, C Darrin Hulsey, Peter C Wainwright, and Thomas J Near. Molecular and fossil evidence place the origin of cichlid fishes long after Gondwanan rifting. (2013) Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280:1770
Thomas J. Near, Alex Dornburg, Ron I. Eytan, Benjamin P. Keck, W. Leo Smith, Kristen L. Kuhn, Jon A. Moore, Samantha A. Price, Frank T. Burbrink, Matt Friedman, and Peter C. Wainwright. Phylogeny and tempo of diversification in the superradiation of spiny-rayed fishes. (2013) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110:12738-12743 [Paper showing that blennies are EXCEPTIONALLY diverse!]
Katriina L. Ilves, Andrea M. Quattrini, Mark W. Westneat, Ron I. Eytan, Gordon W. Chaplin, Heidi Hertler, and John G. Lundberg. Detection of Shifts in Coral Reef Fish Assemblage Structure Over 50 Years at Reefs of New Providence Island, the Bahamas Highlight the Value of the Academy of Natural Sciences' Collections in a Changing World. (2013) Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 162:61-87
Wainwright, P.C., W.L. Smith, J.S. Sparks, K.L. Tang, L.A. Ferry-Graham, R.I. Eytan, and T.J. Near. The evolution of pharyngognathy: a phylogenetic and functional appraisal of the pharyngeal jaw key innovation in Labroidei and beyond. (2012) Systematic Biology 61:1001-1027.
Thomas J. Near, Ron I. Eytan, Alex Dornburg, Kristen L. Kuhn, Jon A. Moore, Matthew P. Davis, Peter C. Wainwright, Matt Friedman, and Wm. Leo Smith. Resolution of ray-finned fish phylogeny and timing of diversification. (2012) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109:13698-13703.
Small, S.T.*, Eytan, R.I.*, Bockrath, K.*, Wares, J.P.*. (2012) Evaluation of genetic structure across a freshwater mussel community (genus Elliptio) in the Altamaha River basin. Conservation Genetics 13:965-975. *Denotes equal authorship.
Ron I. Eytan, Philip A. Hastings, Barbara R. Holland, and Michael E. Hellberg. (2012) Reconciling molecules and morphology: molecular systematics and biogeography of Neotropical blennies (Acanthemblemaria). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 62:159-173.
Ron I. Eytan and Michael E. Hellberg. (2010) Nuclear and mitochondrial sequence data reveal and conceal different demographic histories and population genetic processes in Caribbean reef fishes. Evolution 64:3380-3397.
Qinggang Xue, Michael E. Hellberg, Kevin L. Schey, Naoki Itoh, Ron I. Eytan, Richard K. Cooper, Jerome F. La Peyre. (2010) Cv-lysozyme 3 suggests an evolutionary pathway from host defense to digestion in the Eastern Oyster, Crassostrea virginica. BMC Evolutionary Biology 10:213
Marshall L. Hayes, Ron I. Eytan, Michael E. Hellberg. (2010) High amino acid diversity and positive selection at a putative coral immunity gene (tachylectin-2). BMC Evolutionary Biology 10:150.
Eytan, R.I., Hayes, M., Arbour-Reily, P., Miller, M. and Hellberg, M.E. (2009) Nuclear sequences reveal mid-range isolation of an imperiled deep-water coral population. Molecular Ecology 18: 2375-2389.
G. Serkerkova, P.A. Loomis, B. Changyaleket, L. Zheng, R. Eytan, B. Chen, E. Mugnaini, and J.R. Bartles (2003) Novel espin actin-bundling proteins are localized to Purkinje cell dendritic spines and bind the SH3 adapter protein insulin receptor substrate p53. Journal of Neuroscience 23(4):1310-9
4816 (2), 209-216
Draft genome sequences of 38 Serratia marcescens isolates associated with acroporid serratiosis. 2019.
NC Elledge, RI Eytan, LJ Pinnell, R Pray, JL Joyner, JP Wares, Kathryn P Sutherland, Erin K Lipp, Jeffrey W Turner
Microbiology Resource Announcements 8 (14)
The application of novel research technologies by the deep pelagic nekton dynamics of the Gulf of Mexico (DEEPEND) consortium. 2018. RJ Milligan, AM Bernard, KM Boswell, HD Bracken-Grissom, MA D'Elia, Sergio DeRada, Cole G Easson, David English, Ron I Eytan, Kimberly A Finnegan, Chuanmin Hu, Chad Lembke, Jose V Lopez, Bradley Penta, Travis Richards, Isabel C Romero, Mahmood Shivji, Laura Timm, Joe D Warren, Max Weber, RJ Wells, Tracey T Sutton. Marine Technology Society Journal 52 (6), 81-86
New insights on the sister lineage of percomorph fishes with an anchored hybrid enrichment dataset. 2017.
A Dornburg, JP Townsend, W Brooks, E Spriggs, RI Eytan, JA Moore, Peter C Wainwright, Alan Lemmon, Emily Moriarty Lemmon, Thomas J Near. Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 110, 27-38
Harrington, R. C., B. C. Faircloth, R. I. Eytan, W. L. Smith, T. J. Near, M. E. Alfaro, and M. Friedman. 2016. Phylogenomic analysis of carangimorph fishes reveals flatfish asymmetry arose in a blink of the evolutionary eye. BMC Evolutionary Biology 16:224.
A. O’Dea, H. A. Lessios, A. G. Coates, R. I. Eytan, S. A. Restrepo-Moreno, A. L. Cione, L. S. Collins, A. de Queiroz, D. W. Farris, R. D. Norris, R. F. Stallard, M. O. Woodburne, O. Aguilera, M.-P. Aubry, W. A. Berggren, A. F. Budd, M. A. Cozzuol, S. E. Coppard, H. Duque-Caro, S. Finnegan, G. M. Gasparini, E. L. Grossman, K. G. Johnson, L. D. Keigwin, N. Knowlton, E. G. Leigh, J. S. Leonard-Pingel, P. B. Marko, N. D. Pyenson, P. G. Rachello-Dolmen,
E. Soibelzon, L. Soibelzon, J. A. Todd, G. J. Vermeij, J. B. C. Jackson. Formation of the Isthmus of Panama. Science Advances 2, e1600883 (2016).
Dornburg, A., S. Federman, R. I. Eytan, and T. J. Near. (2016). Cryptic species diversity in Sub-Antarctic islands: A case study of Lepidonotothen. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution: 104, 32-43
Dornburg, A., R. I. Eytan, S. Federman, J. N. Pennington, A. L. Stewart, C. D. Jones, and T. J. Near. Molecular data support the existence of two species of the Antarctic fish genus Cryodraco (Channichthyidae). Polar Biology:1-11. (2016)
Marko, P. B., Eytan, R. I. & Knowlton, N. Do large molecular sequence divergences imply an early closure of the Isthmus of Panama? Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112, E5766, doi:10.1073/pnas.1515048112 (2015)
Thacker, C. E., T. P. Satoh, E. Katayama, R. C. Harrington, R. I. Eytan, and T. J. Near. 2015. Molecular phylogeny of Percomorpha resolves Trichonotus as the sister lineage to Gobioidei (Teleostei: Gobiiformes) and confirms the polyphyly of Trachinoidei. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 93:172-179.
Eytan, R. I., B. R. Evans, A. Dornburg, A. R. Lemmon, E. M. Lemmon, P. C. Wainwright, and T. J. Near. 2015. Are 100 enough? Inferring acanthomorph teleost phylogeny using Anchored Hybrid Enrichment. BMC Evolutionary Biology 15:113. **Highly Accessed**
Alex Dornburg, Jon Moore, Jeremy M. Beaulieu, R. I. Eytan, Thomas J. Near The impact of shifts in marine biodiversity hotspots on patterns of range evolution: evidence from the Holocentridae (squirrelfishes and soldierfishes). (2015) Evolution 69 (1), 146-161
Price, S. A., L. Schmitz, C. E. Oufiero, R. I. Eytan, A. Dornburg, W. L. Smith, M. Friedman, T. J. Near, and P. C. Wainwright. Two waves of colonization straddling the K–Pg boundary formed the modern reef fish fauna. (2014) Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 281:1783
Matt Friedman, Benjamin P Keck, Alex Dornburg, Ron I Eytan, Christopher H Martin, C Darrin Hulsey, Peter C Wainwright, and Thomas J Near. Molecular and fossil evidence place the origin of cichlid fishes long after Gondwanan rifting. (2013) Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280:1770
Thomas J. Near, Alex Dornburg, Ron I. Eytan, Benjamin P. Keck, W. Leo Smith, Kristen L. Kuhn, Jon A. Moore, Samantha A. Price, Frank T. Burbrink, Matt Friedman, and Peter C. Wainwright. Phylogeny and tempo of diversification in the superradiation of spiny-rayed fishes. (2013) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110:12738-12743 [Paper showing that blennies are EXCEPTIONALLY diverse!]
Katriina L. Ilves, Andrea M. Quattrini, Mark W. Westneat, Ron I. Eytan, Gordon W. Chaplin, Heidi Hertler, and John G. Lundberg. Detection of Shifts in Coral Reef Fish Assemblage Structure Over 50 Years at Reefs of New Providence Island, the Bahamas Highlight the Value of the Academy of Natural Sciences' Collections in a Changing World. (2013) Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 162:61-87
Wainwright, P.C., W.L. Smith, J.S. Sparks, K.L. Tang, L.A. Ferry-Graham, R.I. Eytan, and T.J. Near. The evolution of pharyngognathy: a phylogenetic and functional appraisal of the pharyngeal jaw key innovation in Labroidei and beyond. (2012) Systematic Biology 61:1001-1027.
Thomas J. Near, Ron I. Eytan, Alex Dornburg, Kristen L. Kuhn, Jon A. Moore, Matthew P. Davis, Peter C. Wainwright, Matt Friedman, and Wm. Leo Smith. Resolution of ray-finned fish phylogeny and timing of diversification. (2012) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109:13698-13703.
Small, S.T.*, Eytan, R.I.*, Bockrath, K.*, Wares, J.P.*. (2012) Evaluation of genetic structure across a freshwater mussel community (genus Elliptio) in the Altamaha River basin. Conservation Genetics 13:965-975. *Denotes equal authorship.
Ron I. Eytan, Philip A. Hastings, Barbara R. Holland, and Michael E. Hellberg. (2012) Reconciling molecules and morphology: molecular systematics and biogeography of Neotropical blennies (Acanthemblemaria). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 62:159-173.
Ron I. Eytan and Michael E. Hellberg. (2010) Nuclear and mitochondrial sequence data reveal and conceal different demographic histories and population genetic processes in Caribbean reef fishes. Evolution 64:3380-3397.
Qinggang Xue, Michael E. Hellberg, Kevin L. Schey, Naoki Itoh, Ron I. Eytan, Richard K. Cooper, Jerome F. La Peyre. (2010) Cv-lysozyme 3 suggests an evolutionary pathway from host defense to digestion in the Eastern Oyster, Crassostrea virginica. BMC Evolutionary Biology 10:213
Marshall L. Hayes, Ron I. Eytan, Michael E. Hellberg. (2010) High amino acid diversity and positive selection at a putative coral immunity gene (tachylectin-2). BMC Evolutionary Biology 10:150.
Eytan, R.I., Hayes, M., Arbour-Reily, P., Miller, M. and Hellberg, M.E. (2009) Nuclear sequences reveal mid-range isolation of an imperiled deep-water coral population. Molecular Ecology 18: 2375-2389.
G. Serkerkova, P.A. Loomis, B. Changyaleket, L. Zheng, R. Eytan, B. Chen, E. Mugnaini, and J.R. Bartles (2003) Novel espin actin-bundling proteins are localized to Purkinje cell dendritic spines and bind the SH3 adapter protein insulin receptor substrate p53. Journal of Neuroscience 23(4):1310-9